AzorGhee - The New Butter of the Azores
A relação entre os Açores, o leite e a manteiga é antiga e amplamente reconhecida.
The Butter Market
The analysis of the milk sector and its derived products throughout the ages.
A relação entre os Açores, o leite e a manteiga é antiga e amplamente reconhecida.
The analysis of the milk sector and its derived products throughout the ages.
What is the healthiest butter? What is the tastier butter? What butter is better?
When is time to choose your butter, there are numerous choices available and at a wide range of prices, which reinforces the importance of having some previous knowledge about its compositions, benefits, advantages and disadvantages.
– butter made from cow milk, (without salt, with salt, without lactose, with lactose);
– butter made from goat milk, sheep milk, buffalo milk, camel milk;
– margarine;
– vegan butter;
– clarified butter;
– clarified ghee butter;
– bottled clarified butter;
- sour butter or fermented;
– coconut butter;
– avocado butter;
– peanut butter:
– others.
Among the most commonly used, there are characteristics that mark them and differentiate them, making us choose one over the other.
Of vegetable origin, the margarine was originally made with vegetable oils and hydrogenated liquids (corn, sunflower seeds, soybeans, peanuts). To produce it, it is added water, salt, milk powder, dye and emulsifier.
Until recently, duo to hydrogenation, there were high concentrations of trans fat in margarine. Fortunately, after several studies that demonstrated a direct relationship between the consumption of this type of fats and cardiovascular disease, several companies opted by modifying the process. In this way, we can find healthier vegetable margarine produced from vegetable fat, especially soybeans.
Margarine contains polyunsaturated fats, phytosterols and stanols. It is a source of A and D vitamin, but has a high lipid and ómega-6 concentration, which can be harmful in case of high consumption.
A tablespoon of margarine is about 75 calories.
Of animal origin, butter is a milk product derived from cow, goat and sheep's milk. It is composed of a minimum of 80% fat, 15% water and a 5% milk proteins. Includes water, lactose, casein and salt.
In nutritional terms, butter is a caloric food, with a milk fat content of between 80% and 90%. It has a high concentration of animal fat and is rich in saturated fat and cholesterol. Small amounts of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium are also found.
Butter is a source of fat soluble vitamins (A, D and E).
There are low-fat, salt-free options on the market for the strictest diets.
A tablespoon of regular butter is about 102 calories.
Regarding the ghee clarified butter, all water and milk solids are removed during the clarification process. Fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and antioxidants are maintained.
Since it is composed only of fat, it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and facilitates digestion.
Clarified ghee butter has anti-inflammatory properties (rich in butyrate), is a rich and immediate energy source (medium chain triglycerides) and has a zero sodium content. It does not contain lactose, casein toxins or sugar, which makes it a butter much appreciated for its benefits.
It is currently widely used in vegan, low carb and paleo diets.
Stable at normal temperature, ghee isn't required to vbe refrigerated.
A tablespoon of clarified Ghee butter is about 127 calories.
Na hora de escolher a sua manteiga, são inúmeras as escolhas disponíveis e aos mais variados preços. Mas seja qual for a escolhida, verifique sempre os rótulos e esteja atento ao tipo de gorduras e aos valores calóricos. Pode consultar os produtos da AzorGhee para para consultar as suas features and and nutritional composition..
Any butter should always be consumed with moderation in a healthy lifestyle.
The first clarified butter produced in Portugal was created in Terceira.
Clarified Butter from Azores | Working hours: Tuesday to Sunday (10am - 5pm)